Technology Tools (60)
GEC LinkedIn Group
I've started a LinkedIn group for the GEC. It seems sort of redundant to this space, but perhaps we'll attract more globally minded educators and professionals. Please consider joining and spreading the word. Here is the link:
Read more…What is one thing you will try this year?
What is ONE thing that you will try in your classroom or in your own professional development routine this year? Add your ideas and thoughts to this online document using something called Wallwisher. Wallwisher is a very interesting tool! http://www
Read more…PBS Teacher Activity Packs
Just discovered these activity packs on PBS's site for teachers. You can copy and paste an embed code for these thematic resources or directly add a pack to Facebook, MySpace etc. Here's an example:
Read more…Building a Comprehensive Global Education Bibliography
Tonight, while leafing through my disintegrating childhood copy of Richard Scarry's Busy, Busy World now beloved by my own children, I had an idea. Perhaps this has been done elsewhere, but I thought it would be useful to compile a list of books arou
Read more…The Study Barn
We have created a fantastic learning resource called the Study Barn. It was created to help each other reach scholastic and professional enlightenment where education is no longer tied to geography or financial scarcities. Putting it simply, the Stud
Read more…Open Source Education Community and Summer Curricula Writing
Hello. I suspect many of you are familiar with Curriki--an online education community of teachers, students and other education stakeholders committed to using and sharing free, open-source K-12 instructional materials with others around the globe.
Read more…2008 Digital Media and Learning Competition is now open!
Hi Global Education Collaborativees, I thought your community would be interested to know about this year's HASTAC/MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Competition. This year we are awarding projects in two categories, Innovation in Participatory Le
Read more…Kim Cofino's Slideshare Presos
Hi All - I just ran across Kim Cofino's profile on Slideshare and she's got some nifty presentations available on there. Check them out here! Anyone else a Slideshare fan? My username is elemenous if you're looking for contacts.
Read more…Social Bookmarking in Diigo
Hi All- Diigo is a service which lets you bookmark web sites online. It's very handy because you can also annotate bookmarks, organize users in groups, and create lists of bookmarks. I've started a group within this community for people interested i
Read more…K12 Online Flyer!
Kim Cofino suggested using YackPack for a project that she's initiating here, so I checked it out and made a group for the Global Education Collaborative. Email me if you'd like to join. It's a tool where you can leave voice messages for group member
Read more…Flashmeeting Replay!
Here is the replay of our meeting tonight! It went tremendously well, and I'm glad I was able to hook up people from all corners of the world! Thanks to Sharon, Westley, Kyle, Diane, Lisa, Joan, Kim, Karin, Robin, Jeremy and Carolyn who attended at v
Read more…Can you help us with translation?
Hi! We are trying to find a translation program which will help our English speaking students read a foreign site. It is a Ning site and we have not been able to find anything that works on a Ning. Can you help us? We have looked at the Google trans
Read more…Resource for Video Subtitles
I just viewed a video in the Classroom 2.0 ning that is hosted on this site. There's a feature here that makes it easy to add subtitles to your already produced videos. Pretty nifty
Read more…Field Trip 2.0 Update
Excuse the crosspostings... Hi All - We've formed a group to support our ALI exhibit from this year's Apple Distinguished Educator Institute. Our goal is to encourage conversation around kicking field trips up a notch by adding digital components a
Read more…K12 online coming
The first "teasers" from the k12 online conference are up! If you are interested in knowing more about this all online conference, or seeing a "promo" video, click here: The conference is held entirely online a
Read more…Skype assistance
Any skype users out there? I'm needing a better understanding of using Skype from another country. Are there charges for using it? I notice they have a plan with a fee associated with it. Any tips, suggestions, problems, from using it overseas?
Read more…Flickr Groups
Flickr is such an amazing photography resource; if you haven't checked it out, you must! I've started a Global Educaiton Collaborative Flickr group where Flickr members can send photos to share. Hopefully, Julene and I will use this in our NECC works
Read more…Global tags on
Hi I've been tagging sites with a global dimension for about a year now. If you'd like to have a browse, go to
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