Global Classroom Project - Virtual Information Session
- Aug 13, 2024 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm EDT
- Location: Zoom (link will be sent upon registration)
- Description:
All educators and school leaders of students ages 5-18 are invited to attend a virtual information to learn about the Global Classroom Project, a partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. Any teacher can find a pathway (or multiple pathways) to enter into this project with students: Content, Cultural Proficiency, Environmental Stewardship, IB MYP(International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program), Language Acquisition & Intercultural Competence, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics).
Join our team for a Global Classroom Project(GCP) virtual information session in August. Complete this registration form and select which date works for you!
Looking forward to connecting! - Created by: Joann Hardy
Past Events (583)
Neurodiversity in Education: An Interview with Landmark College's Adam Lalor and Students
- Aug 18, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CDT
- Location:
- Description:
Actionable Innovations Global is a professional learning community where participants explore innovation in education. We meet on a regular basis to discuss trends in education and invite inspiring guests to join us and share their work. Parents, educators, students, and others interested in improving teaching and learning are always welcome.
Our Actionable Innovations Conversation on August 18th will feature Dr. Adam R. Lalor, Vice President of Neurodiversity Research and Innovation at Vermont’s Landmark College. Landmark College is a community designed exclusively for students who learn differently, including students with learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), ADHD, autism, or executive function challenges. Dr. Lalor will share information about Landmark’s programs for neurodiverse learners as well as its research efforts. He will be joined by a group of Landmark students and alumni who have worked on research projects at Landmark.
Dr. Lalor received his Ph.D. in Educational Psy
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, neurodiversity, higher education
AImpactEd Summit: Transforming Education with AI & ChatGPT
- Aug 7, 2023 from 8:00am to 5:00pm CDT
- Location:
- Description:
Are you a global educator interested in artificial intelligence and ChatGPT? Then, you’re invited to a special professional learning experience on August 7th!
Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the center of some of our biggest technological shifts and business opportunities - yet many are still intimidated by the concept. This virtual conference is designed to unite educators worldwide and inspire them to harness the power of AI and ChatGPT in their classrooms. The AImpactEdSummit will highlight the transformative potential of AI-driven tools while fostering collaboration among educators to shape the future of teaching and learning. Join us on this journey to revolutionize education and unlock the true potential of AI-enhanced learning experiences!
Together we will investigate research, frameworks, and tools that empower you to leverage AI and generative ChatGPT in your professional practice. Expert presenters will share instructional strategies for creativity, productivity, assessme
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, ai, artificial intelligence, chatgpt
Schools for Sustainable Development Goals with Manoj Gautam
- Jul 10, 2023 from 9:00am to 10:00am CDT
- Location:
- Description:
Manoj Gautam is a conservationist, educator, humanitarian, and animal welfare advocate with 20 years of experience in community engagement, policy advocacy and change, experiential learning, and intervention/project design. Manoj holds an MSc in Biodiversity Conservation and Management from the University of Oxford. In addition to his ongoing work in conservation and education, Manoj was previously the Executive Director of the Jane Goodall Institute Nepal for eight years.
Manoj is the founder of Schools for Sustainable Development Goals. He is known for his inspiring life story, sustainable community-based approaches to positive change, fearless advocacy for animal protection, relentless pursuit of his humanitarian convictions, and compelling storytelling. Manoj strives to prepare the next generation of global citizens to be informed, empowered, and engaged through experiential and perspective-based learning.
In addition to the collaborative educational opportunities that are the core
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, sdgs
Sourced Design: The Art of Coming Alive with Springhouse’s Jenny Finn
- Jul 7, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CDT
- Location:
- Description:
What the world needs is people who have come alive. ~ Howard Thurman
You are cordially invited to join the Actionable Innovations Global community for a conversation with Jenny Finn, the Founding Visionary and Executive Director of Springhouse, an innovative nonprofit organization and school located in Virginia.Thirty-three years ago, Jenny Finn woke up to the gift of this life in an extraordinary way. That wake up call quickly turned into a call to service to mentor people, communities, and organizations in the art of coming alive. Jenny had no idea that following that call would lead to founding a school or a printing press – but she did both through Springhouse. Springhouse is a cultural experiment that creates culture that takes care of Life through education, media, and a global network. Springhouse practices and shares Sourced Design through a high school, the Sourced Design Lab, a cultural design program for adults, and our very own print shop called Sourced Press.
If we are
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar
#ISTELive23: The Global Collaborator Meetup
- Jun 25, 2023 from 9:00am to 11:00am CDT
- Location:
- Description:
This face-to-face meetup is a networking event for educators interested in creating opportunities for global collaboration in their schools. Discover high-quality teaching resources, learn how to incorporate ed tech tools into your global collaboration efforts, and build the professional learning network necessary for bringing your international project to life. The Global Collaborator Meetup is taking place at the #ISTELive Conference in Philadelphia on June 25th. It is free to all ISTE registrants.
Global collaboration is an essential element of educational innovation. Our current pandemic has clearly demonstrated how international cooperation and information sharing is vital to our planet. Our event will help educators access the tools, resources, and programs that will help them foster global competence in their students and colleagues.
CILC, MAD-Learn, and TakingITGlobal are our featured partners for this event.
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, iste, #istelive23, edtech
Middle School Matters with Andrew Ravin
- Jun 16, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CDT
- Location:
- Description:
Andrew Ravin is deeply committed to social change. For 25 years, in New York City and Chicago, Andrew has worked in community schools as a social worker, classroom teacher, lead teacher, and school leader. He is currently Founder and Head of School at Workshop Middle School, an award-winning innovative school in Prospect Lefferts, Brooklyn and has been named one of the "Top 100 Innovators in American Education" and one of "10 Education Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2022". In 2023, he was honored with a listing in "Who's Who in America" for his work at Workshop Middle School and the Innovative Schools Cooperative.
Join Don Buckley on June 16th for an Actionable Innovations Conversation with Andrew. This discussion will touch upon innovative education, youth voice, school development, high-quality project based learning, and school diversity and equity as a high-leverage education reform.
Actionable Innovations Global is a professional learning community where participants explore innovati
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, middle school
#ISTELive23 Preview: Identifying Opportunities for Growing Your Global PLN
- May 26, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CDT
- Location:
- Description:
Are you familiar with the International Society for Technology in Education and its standards for students, educators, and administrators? ISTE is a global ed tech organization that hosts many events, including an in-person annual conference in June. Our Actionable Innovations Conversations guests on May 26th will be Dr. Kaylah Holland and Greta Sandler, two ISTE Community Leaders who are organizing the Global Learning Playground: Passport to Social Good at this year’s ISTELive conference. We also will be joined by Alefiya Master, the founder and CEO of MAD-Learn who will be partnering with Actionable Innovations Global on the Global Collaborator Meet Up at ISTE. Come find out what opportunities will be available to virtual and in-person attendees this June at the conference in Philadelphia!
Greta Sandler is a Learning Innovation Leader at Belgrano Day School in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is passionate about creating safe learning environments and empowering learners by giving them a
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar
The NEAF Global Learning Edcamp (online)
- Apr 29, 2023 from 1:00pm to 4:30pm EDT
- Location:
- Description:
The NEA Foundation invites educators global education organizations to join us for our first NEAF Global Learning Edcamp! This virtual professional learning event will occur on Saturday, April 29th, from 1:00 pm EDT - 4:30 pm EDT. Attendees will include our current Global Learning Fellowship class, alumni, and other educators interested in globally connected teaching and learning.
This edcamp will take place in a participant-driven unconference format. In our opening session, attendees will generate a schedule with topics related to global learning. Then, attendees will choose to attend sessions that interest them from this schedule, and volunteers from the group will facilitate conversations, resource sharing, and note-taking related to these themes. The platform we are using for the edcamp is Hopin. Register here to attend this free event.
Organizations, partner with us!
The NEAF Global Learning Edcamp will be a terrific opportunity for your organization to learn alongside our fello
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: nea, neaf, neafglobal, teachers, edcamp, pd, professional learning, event
The NEAF Global Learning Edcamp (online)
- Apr 29, 2023 from 1:00pm to 4:30pm EDT
- Location:
- Description:
The NEA Foundation invites educators global education organizations to join us for our first NEAF Global Learning Edcamp! This virtual professional learning event will occur on Saturday, April 29th, from 1:00 pm EDT - 4:30 pm EDT. Attendees will include our current Global Learning Fellowship class, alumni, and other educators interested in globally connected teaching and learning.
This edcamp will take place in a participant-driven unconference format. In our opening session, attendees will generate a schedule with topics related to global learning. Then, attendees will choose to attend sessions that interest them from this schedule, and volunteers from the group will facilitate conversations, resource sharing, and note-taking related to these themes. The platform we are using for the edcamp is Hopin. Register here to attend this free event.
Organizations, partner with us!
The NEAF Global Learning Edcamp will be a terrific opportunity for your organization to learn alongside our fello
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: nea, neaf, neafglobal, teachers, edcamp, pd, professional learning, event
Advocating for Justice-Involved Youth: Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline with Dr. Kaylah Holland
- Mar 31, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CDT
- Location:
- Description:
Register here.
Actionable Innovations Global is a professional learning community where participants explore innovation in education. Every Friday, we meet to discuss trends in education and invite inspiring guests to join us and share their work. Parents, educators, students, and others interested in improving teaching and learning are always welcome.
Join us on Friday, March 31st, for an Actionable Innovations Conversation with Dr. Kaylah Holland. Dr. Holland is passionate about empowering educators through professional development, one-on-one coaching, and innovative lesson design. She holds a Doctorate of Education in Instructional Design and Technology with extensive research in active learning environments. She has spent years empowering educators and championing student-centered classrooms. She is a Google Certified Innovator, Trainer, & Coach, a college professor, an ISTE Community Leader, and was presented the “20 to Watch” award by ISTE in 2022. Kaylah is the Director of Instr
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar
Lessons Learned from the World's Most Innovative Thinkers and Doers in Education with Bob Greenberg
- Mar 17, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CDT
- Location:
- Description:
Actionable Innovations Global is a professional learning community where participants explore innovation in education. Every Friday, we meet to discuss trends in education and invite inspiring guests to join us and share their work. Parents, educators, students, and others interested in improving teaching and learning are always welcome.
Join us on Friday, March 17th, for an Actionable Innovations Conversation with Bob Greenberg of the Brainwaves Video Anthology. Bob Greenberg has spent 30 years as a public school teacher, 15 years in Stamford, CT, and 15 years in Bridgeport, CT. In between, he spent 15 years as a full-time professional magician working trade shows and hospitality events for corporate clients, including IBM, 3M, and CIGNA.
The Bridgeport Public Education Fund recognized him as an Outstanding Teacher in 2007. The Connecticut Association of School Librarians honored him with the 2012 Pellerin Classroom Teacher Award for “collaborating to advance student l
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, higher education
The Power of Evidence: Documentation and Storytelling in Learning Communities with Aaron Schorn of Unrulr
- Feb 17, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST
- Location:
- Description:
Actionable Innovations Global is a professional learning community where participants explore innovation in education. Every Friday, we meet to discuss trends in education and invite inspiring guests to join us and share their work. Parents, educators, students, and others interested in improving teaching and learning are always welcome.
Join us on Friday, February 17th, for an Actionable Innovations Conversation with Aaron Schorn of Unrulr. Aaron will speak to the power of having learners capture their process, reflections, and product creation. How through evidence, programs can build transparency/trust and create greater impact. Aaron will showcase the social learning app Unrulr and speak about other tools and tactics that allow learners to document/share and tell the story of their process, skills growth, and outcomes. This is a conversation about empowering learners of all age groups to go from passive to active in their learning journey.
Aaron is a father, teacher
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, higher education, colleges, universities, ed tech, educational technology
Entrepreneurship in Higher Education with Brian Morello
- Jan 27, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST
- Location:
- Description:
Register here:
Actionable Innovations Global is a professional learning community where participants explore innovation in education. Every Friday, we meet to discuss trends in education and invite inspiring guests to join us and share their work. Parents, educators, students, and others interested in improving teaching and learning are always welcome.Meet Brian Morello, Director of Beloit College's Center for Entrepreneurship (CELEB), and learn about the Center's innovative programs. On January 27, 2023, Don Buckley and Lucy Gray will interview Brian about his work at Beloit College.
The CELEB center is a one-of-a-kind program unparalleled at any other undergraduate school. Housed off-campus in the heart of Beloit's revitalized downtown district, it is an 18,000+ square feet space dedicated to student ventures in music, art, digital media, prototyping, and traditional start-ups. Within CELEB, there is an entrepreneurship lab, public art gallery, recor
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, entrepreneurship, higher education, colleges, universities
#GlobalEdChat: International Day of Education
- Jan 18, 2023 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm CST
- Location: Twitter
- Description:
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
8 PM ET - text chat
8:30 PM ET - audio chat in Twitter Spaces
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: twitter, community, #globaledchat
Fighting Hate and Harm in Education with Lisa Vahey
- Jan 13, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST
- Location:
- Description:
Register here:
Actionable Innovations Global is a professional learning community where participants explore innovation in education. Every Friday, we meet to discuss trends in education and invite inspiring guests to join us and share their work. Parents, educators, students, and others interested in improving teaching and learning are always welcome.
On January 13, 2023, Lisa Vahey will be our guest. Lisa is a mom, educator, and engaged citizen, and she was distressed when she found out that anti-CRT (critical race theory) bills were being considered in Ohio. She joined with a group of Ohio colleagues, and the Honesty for Ohio Education coalition was formed. This group of concerned citizens and organizations is fighting hate & harm from the State House, State Board of Education, and in local communities as the list of threats grows ("Don't Say Gay", book bans, dismantling SEL supports, and so much more). She has learned so much and has much more to l
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, anti-racist, equity
Global Education in Teacher Education with Jennifer Manise of the Longview Foundation
- Dec 9, 2022 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST
- Location:
- Description:
Actionable Innovations Global is a professional learning community where participants explore innovation in education. Every Friday, we meet to discuss trends in education and invite inspiring guests to join us and share their work. Parents, educators, students, and others interested in improving teaching and learning are always welcome.
On December 9th, 2022, our guest will be Jennifer Manise. Jennifer is the Executive Director of the Longview Foundation for World Affairs and International Understanding. Our discussion will focus on global competence in teacher education, and Jennifer will be joined by two teacher educators from Longview’s Global Teacher Education Fellowship program, Shea Kerkhoff from the University of Missouri, St. Louis, and Lauren Angelone from Xavier University.
Since William Breese founded it in 1966, the Longview Foundation has sought to build a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world by equipping youth with a global perspective and understanding of politi
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: teachers, educators, administrators, school leaders, webinar, think global school, think learning studio, real-world learning
Global Classroom Project (GCP) - Information Session
- Nov 21, 2022 from 3:00pm to 3:45pm EST
- Location: Virtual - Zoom link will be sent to registered participants
- Description:
Educators & Instructional Leaders Outside the US:
Please join one of our upcoming information sessions to learn more about the Global Classroom Project (GCP). This program, developed by Fairfax County Public Schools in Fairfax County, VA (USA), is open to all educators working with students ages 5-18. The Global Classroom Project provides opportunities for students to collaborate with peers form around the world on authentic tasks and challenges. Students develop the knowledge, skills and behaviors to engage in collective action on the local, national and global level.
Participation in the GCP prepares students to be innovative global citizens as they work to create impactful solutions forr the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
All interested participants are asked to register here in advance of the session. A link to the session will be sent to your email prior to the session. If you are unable to attend at this time a link to the session recording will be sent to the e
- Created by: Joann Hardy
- Tags: #stem #languageacquisiton #teachers #sustainabilit
Global Classroom Project - Information Session
- Nov 21, 2022 from 3:00pm to 3:45pm EST
- Location: Virtual - Zoom link will be sent to registered participants
- Description:
Educators & Instructional Leaders Outside the US:
Please join one of our upcoming information sessions to learn more about the Global Classroom Project (GCP). This program, developed by Fairfax County Public Schools in Fairfax County, VA (USA), is open to all educators working with students ages 5-18. The Global Classroom Project provides opportunities for students to collaborate with peers form around the world on authentic tasks and challenges. Students develop the knowledge, skills and behaviors to engage in collective action on the local, national and global level.
Participation in the GCP prepares students to be innovative global citizens as they work to create impactful solutions forr the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
All interested participants are asked to register here in advance of the session. A link to the session will be sent to your email prior to the session. If you are unable to attend at this time a link to the session recording will be sent to the e
- Created by: Joann Hardy
- Tags: #stem #languageacquisiton #teachers #sustainabilit
#GlobalEdChat: PD for GlobalEd
- Nov 16, 2022 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm CST
- Location: Online
- Description:
Join Meg Languages, Digital Promise, and Actionable Innovations Global for a special Twitter chat on Wednesday, November 16th at 8 PM EST! This month's #GlobalEdChat theme is Professional Development for Global Education. During the first portion of the chat, we'll post prompts for #GlobalEdChat participants on best practices in PD, and then we'll move into an audio chat in Twitter Spaces where members of this community will share a preview of their Global Learning for an Open World (GLOW) conference sessions.
To participate, here are the steps:
- Create a Twitter account if you don't have one.
- Use the search box on Twitter and search for #GlobalEdChat.
- At the appointed time, you will see prompts and you can tweet your responses with the hashtag #GlobalEdChat.
- Participants then comment and retweet other people's responses that they find insightful.
- After 30 minutes, we then move into Twitter Spaces for an audio chat led by Meg's Lottie Dowling.
- She will ask a few questions of special
- Created by: Lucy Gray
- Tags: #globaledchat, twitter, professional development