I teach 6th grade world culture and geography and would like to track Greg Mortenson's travels using either Google Earth or Maps as we read Three Cups of Tea. Has anyone had experience doing this? I want to make sure the project runs smoothly. Thanks!
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I teach a group of 6th and 7th graders who are just getting started reading the Young Person's Edition of Three Cups of Tea. I would love to connect with anyone out there who might be willing to share ideas and/or connect students. We are new to this forum, so we'd love to hear from you.
This is one of my favorite units to teach. This year I split the students into four groups: Google Maps, Prezi, Glogster, and PhotoStory 3. Each group was able to shared the book in a unique way. We are going to share our various presentation with the school in a couple months as we collect money for Pennies for Peace. I have to say that Google Earth/Maps was the most difficult format for the students to use. We had issues with our server and Google Earth, so we switched to Google Maps. If you would like to view these presentations, let me know. Our study culminated with a letter writing exercise to our elected officials asking for their support of the children in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. We have received responses from two of our four elected officials, as well as, a check for $250 from U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill for Pennies for Peace! The students were very impressed and excited. Good luck and let me know if I can help in any way.
These ideas sound great. Thanks so much for sharing them. I will definitely try to incorporate some of these into my class. Again, thanks so much for taking the time to share.
I just saw your post since joining this Ning ... we just finished reading Three Cups with our 8th graders and I did a Google Earth thing with my resource room kids. We started at Bozeman, Montana, flew to our school, then onto Pakistan and to K2... the kids were absolutely incensed that Korphe was not found on Google Earth.
It was great to give the kids an idea of the physical distance between our countries and the distances between our cultures as well.
Holly Patenaude > Kristin Marie SmithDecember 14, 2009 at 11:48am
I found Korphe on another map and used the coordinates to make a pinpoint for it. Unfortunately, when I save it, I cannot get the pinpoints to come up on other's computers, but would love to share it!
The fact that Korphe was so small it did not register on Google Earth was shocking to the kids and they reflected this in their response paragraphs from the activity ... one student remarked that a few people "from a village too small to even be on Google Earth" cared more for education than the whole United States does!
I think it made quite an impression on the kids ... the trip was especially impressionable for my kids (spec ed) as many of them usually do not go beyond the borders of the small town they live in!
I had the same problem with getting the points to come up on other computers other than the laptop assigned to me, but I saved it to my jump and was able to access it when connected to the machine with the projector on it ....
Our whole school read the book, and I created a Google Earth "trip." However, when I have shared it with others, the points are not visible. I am trying to work out the kinks, and figure out how to get the points to be seen on other's computers. I would be happy to share what I have with you. It is a KMZ file, and I had all the placemarkers, but unfortunately, the one's I created don't show up, but it does highlight some of the places. It is a work in progress . . .
Jerome Burg > Holly PatenaudeJanuary 3, 2011 at 10:09am
This is Jerome Burg, founder of Google Lit Trips (www.GoogleLitTrips.org). By coincidence I've been communicating with a few people this week about posting a Google Lit Trip for Three Cups of Tea.
You posted this quite awhile ago, but I thought I'd pop in just in case you hadn't resolved this issue yet.I took a look at your file, and the reason the placemarks are not showing is that for the folder named GEOGRAPHY FOR THREE CUPS OF TEA, you have selected "SHOW CONTENTS AS OPTIONS (RADIO BUTTON SELECTION) in the information window. If you uncheck this box all placemarks will appear if their boxes are checked in the navigation column on the left in Google Earth.
Hi Debbie, Alecia and others,
I teach a group of 6th and 7th graders who are just getting started reading the Young Person's Edition of Three Cups of Tea. I would love to connect with anyone out there who might be willing to share ideas and/or connect students. We are new to this forum, so we'd love to hear from you.
Joe Joyner
Hi Joe,
This is one of my favorite units to teach. This year I split the students into four groups: Google Maps, Prezi, Glogster, and PhotoStory 3. Each group was able to shared the book in a unique way. We are going to share our various presentation with the school in a couple months as we collect money for Pennies for Peace. I have to say that Google Earth/Maps was the most difficult format for the students to use. We had issues with our server and Google Earth, so we switched to Google Maps. If you would like to view these presentations, let me know. Our study culminated with a letter writing exercise to our elected officials asking for their support of the children in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. We have received responses from two of our four elected officials, as well as, a check for $250 from U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill for Pennies for Peace! The students were very impressed and excited. Good luck and let me know if I can help in any way.
These ideas sound great. Thanks so much for sharing them. I will definitely try to incorporate some of these into my class. Again, thanks so much for taking the time to share.
got me thinking about what else can be done with this book...
I just saw your post since joining this Ning ... we just finished reading Three Cups with our 8th graders and I did a Google Earth thing with my resource room kids. We started at Bozeman, Montana, flew to our school, then onto Pakistan and to K2... the kids were absolutely incensed that Korphe was not found on Google Earth.
It was great to give the kids an idea of the physical distance between our countries and the distances between our cultures as well.
I, too, tried to locate the coordinates for Korphe. Where did you eventually locate these? Thanks for sharing!
I think it made quite an impression on the kids ... the trip was especially impressionable for my kids (spec ed) as many of them usually do not go beyond the borders of the small town they live in!
I had the same problem with getting the points to come up on other computers other than the laptop assigned to me, but I saved it to my jump and was able to access it when connected to the machine with the projector on it ....
Our whole school read the book, and I created a Google Earth "trip." However, when I have shared it with others, the points are not visible. I am trying to work out the kinks, and figure out how to get the points to be seen on other's computers. I would be happy to share what I have with you. It is a KMZ file, and I had all the placemarkers, but unfortunately, the one's I created don't show up, but it does highlight some of the places. It is a work in progress . . .
Geography for Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver ...
This is Jerome Burg, founder of Google Lit Trips (www.GoogleLitTrips.org). By coincidence I've been communicating with a few people this week about posting a Google Lit Trip for Three Cups of Tea.
You posted this quite awhile ago, but I thought I'd pop in just in case you hadn't resolved this issue yet.I took a look at your file, and the reason the placemarks are not showing is that for the folder named GEOGRAPHY FOR THREE CUPS OF TEA, you have selected "SHOW CONTENTS AS OPTIONS (RADIO BUTTON SELECTION) in the information window. If you uncheck this box all placemarks will appear if their boxes are checked in the navigation column on the left in Google Earth.