I am working with a middle school teacher who teaches a current events/issues course. We are looking to establish a connection with another class to discuss global issues. We are located in NJ,USA. We could use a wiki, blog and/or video conference. We are wide open for ideas. Anyone interested?
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Hi there,
We are Hong Kong teachers searching for international collaboration partnership with overseas teachers for a project called World Healer www.worldhealer.wikispaces.com that involves the use of wiki, online survey, video conference and the use of Knowledge Forum (KF). This project was previously implemented in a Barcelona secondary school which collaborated with us. The objectives of the project are:
1. To inquire the concepts of global warming
2. To understand how people contribute to global warming
3. To develop ICT competencies (photo/ video editing, on-line forum, video-conferencing)
4. To develop creativity as well as collaborative and communication skills
5. To develop global perspectives through exchange of ideas with international students
6. To develop the sense of global citizenship (particularly at environmental issues)
May we know if you are interested in joining us?
We are looking forward to hearing from you and your teachers soon.
Hi, I teach a grade 7/8 class in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada and we are looking to collaborate with classes from around the globe. We are currently develping a Climate Change Project involving recycling and composting in our school. We would love to communicate via email, wikis, podcasts, skype, etc. Let us know if you are interested in collaborating.
Thank you for the offer. I am the tech supv here in the district. I posted this up for one of my teachers. Let me contact him and I will see if I can get you two together. I may have other teachers interested as well.
We are Hong Kong teachers searching for international collaboration partnership with overseas teachers for a project called World Healer www.worldhealer.wikispaces.com that involves the use of wiki, online survey, video conference and the use of Knowledge Forum (KF). This project was previously implemented in a Barcelona secondary school which collaborated with us. The objectives of the project are:
1. To inquire the concepts of global warming
2. To understand how people contribute to global warming
3. To develop ICT competencies (photo/ video editing, on-line forum, video-conferencing)
4. To develop creativity as well as collaborative and communication skills
5. To develop global perspectives through exchange of ideas with international students
6. To develop the sense of global citizenship (particularly at environmental issues)
May we know if you are interested in joining us?
We are looking forward to hearing from you and your teachers soon.
Many thanks for reading this.
(Hong Kong)
Jason Hill
Thank you for the offer. I am the tech supv here in the district. I posted this up for one of my teachers. Let me contact him and I will see if I can get you two together. I may have other teachers interested as well.