My complete name is Luis Teodoro Gutierrez. I have been married to Lourdes since 1963, and we have two children and four grandchildren. I am a Christian and a Cuban-American (US citizen since 1973), and speak English and Spanish. My Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology (1974) is in systems engineering and information science. I am also a registered professional engineer (P.E.) in the State of Maryland, USA. I was employed with IBM for 30 years and retired in 1998.
I am now an independent researcher and writer. My retirement project is researching global issues related to human solidarity, environmental sustainability, and advances in non-violence. By non-violence I mean a radical renunciation to both physical and psychological violence. Physical violence is bad enough, but psychological violence is even worse! Therefore, I believe it is critical to make young people aware of current global issues that may reach crisis intensity during their lifetime.
My website is "The Pelican Web." The pelican is a legendary symbol of commitment to the service of others, especially those who are weak and most vulnerable. The mission of the website includes publishing a monthly (free subscription, open access) e-journal, "Solidarity, Sustainability, and Nonviolence." It is basically a digest of current research and emerging issues in sustainable development, using the UN Millennium Development Goals are used as a point of reference.
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