Greetings to the Global Education Conference Membership -
It's been awhile since we updated you properly on the state of our global collaborative network!

First, a huge thanks to our 2011 conference volunteers, advisory board, presenters and keynotes. You all were tremendous, and your work lives on in the archives of the conference!
Here are a few highlights related to our membership since the November conference:
- Our network celebrates its 5th birthday on April 28th!
- We're now over 10,000 members strong!
- 2880+ people have joined from 118 countries since November 1, 2011. About 145 countries are represented in our membership overall.
Recent Discussion Forum Posts
The discussion forum is the best place to ask questions of our membership or to post projects. Make sure to browse past the discussions on the front page of the community. Also, I generally try to post these discussions to Twitter (@GlobalEdCon) as well.
Recent Blog Posts
The blogging tool within our network is best used for personal reflections. Blog posts generally do not get as much visibility as discussion forum posts, so it's not the best place for specific community requests. Click here to see all blog posts.
In Other News...
As you can see from our earlier email, plans are underway for the 2012 Global Education Conference! My co-chair, Steve Hargadon, and I are pleased to announce founding support from iEARN and are excited to work with this great organization to incorporate its annual conference into our event.
Steve and I know that many of you are eager to help with this year's conference, and we look forward to your participation. We will be issuing a call for volunteers and international advisory board members on May 1, 2012, so please stay tuned for more details. Our proposal process will also open up much earlier this year, and you will be able to submit presentation proposals starting May 15, 2012. If you are new to this community, please check out the archives (see the green menu bar at the top of our homepage) from the last two conferences to view recorded sessions!
Also, please note that we've decided to merge the name of this social network, the Global Education Collaborative, with the name of the conference and will be hereby referring to this space as the Global Education Conference network. In the past, we've also had separate social media accounts, and will probably be merging these as we move forward with conference improvements.
On the Horizon...
Steve is planning a Global Education Summit event at the International Society for Technology in Education conference which will take place on June 24, 2012, in San Diego, California. Save the date and details will follow.
Immediately following the ISTE conference, Steve, Julie Lindsay, Anne Mirtschin and I will be traveling to New York City to participate in the Asia Society's Partnership for Global Learning conference. Hope to see some of you at these events!
Take care,
Lucy Gray
The Global Education Conference