Introductions (563)

Hello from Ohio

Hello, my name is Garth Holman. I have been teaching for 14 years all at the middle school level (five year in E.Syr. New York, a few in Newark, Ohio and most currently in Beachwood Ohio). I also have been an adjunct professor at the University of Ak

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Luis T. Gutierrez

My complete name is Luis Teodoro Gutierrez. I have been married to Lourdes since 1963, and we have two children and four grandchildren. I am a Christian and a Cuban-American (US citizen since 1973), and speak English and Spanish. My Ph.D. from the Ge

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Hello! I am Gail Aadland. A teacher of first graders in Rapid City, SD. My class sponsors a student in the Dominican Republic and that is how we became interested in learning more about Global Education. I am curious in resources, materials that othe

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Nuclear Power

My students are learning about the environment and one of the projects we are trying to do is making the community learn more about their environment. We are tryng to recycle. I also want them to be aware of different energies that could be polluting

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