We have 68 students ages 12-13 years old who would like to email other students about life in these countries. Perhaps also share pictures and information on a blog or wiki.
Morocco communications starting as soon as possible; New Zealand or Australia in April and May.
Looking forward to getting in touch with you!
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I teach a Y8 e-Learning class in Auckland, New Zealand. I am interested in connecting our classes in some way and think that we can offer your students an insight into life in NZ. As you are undoubtedly aware, we are in the middle of our Summer holidays at the moment - school starts again on Feb 3rd. Please get in contact if you would like to pursue this idea further.
BTW, do you have a Google Wave account that we could connect through?
Gavin Agnew
Jeanne Munoz > Gavin AgnewJanuary 8, 2010 at 10:11am
Hi Gavin,
I hope you are enjoying summer vacation. We'd love to collaborate with your students. I know of Google Wave but have not begun using it. We will get familiar with it here and then work out some plans with you. Connie Leddicotte is the 7th grade teacher. I know she was expecting to do this in April and May. That gives us lots of planning time, but will it work out OK for your students to do it then?
I believe we have about an 18 hour time difference. We will have limited availability for realtime communications, but it is somewhat doable. Our students also have ePal email accounts-free, teacher monitored accounts, and they have a class wiki at pbworks. We have also Skyped with other classes. They have used many other web 2.0 tools such as VoiceThread, Animoto, Glogster, and Edublogs.
We look forward to planning with you. Thanks for responding.
I can be reached back channel at jmunoz@magellancharter.org .
Take care,
Gavin Agnew > Jeanne MunozJanuary 11, 2010 at 12:39pm
Hi Jeanne,
That sounds good. Let me know when you are 'good to go' - we have a Y7 digital class too. They might be keen to become involved as well. April/May is fine. We (the digi classes) are being given a lot more freedom in our choice of curriculum this year, so we will be able to incorporate this project with no disruption to our programme.
You can contact me direct at gagnew@rosehill.org.nz
Hi Jeanne -just wondering if you have used the Journeys in Film guide to Discovering New Zealand through Whale Rider..you can view 7th graders in Albuquerque, New Mexico talking about it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-7UsXfNNoI
Have fun traveling the world through film!
Jeanne Munoz > Joanne AsheJanuary 8, 2010 at 10:44am
Hi Joanne,
Thanks for connecting me to these resources. I was unaware of them and they will be valuable.
I am a Moroccan teacher of English from Casablanca, Morocco. I have five classes of Moroccan students aged 14,15,16 and 17. They are all learning English and keen on sharing their savoir-faire and savoir etre with other students from abroad. I think this is a good opportunity to start this communication via a blog. I suggest Ning as it is an easy and quick way to share information, photos, videos and so on andso forth. my personal e.mail is: thecasaknight@yahoo.fr, the web site of our school is :www.abdelazizfachtali.piczo.com
I will start working on the blog as soon as I get your agreement.
There's a search field on the member page that might be useful if you're looking for particular partners classes. I did a search for Morocco and found 4 members who have connections that country: http://globaleducation.ning.com/profiles/members/?q=morocco. Two of these gentleman belong to this ning: http://ed-links-morocco.ning.com/ and you might want to join their space as well.
Also, try ePals or Gaggle.net for student friendly email services if you need that as well. ePals may also be able to connect you to other classes. And a final piece of unsolicited advice.... be really specific when planning this type of collaboration. Think about the specific activities, time commitments and timeline needed to carry out what you envision. I think you'll get more teachers to buy in if you have this stuff worked out in advance.
Good luck!!!
Lucy Gray
Jeanne Munoz > Lucy GrayNovember 30, 2009 at 10:38am
Thanks for your help and comments. We had established partnerships/ contacts earlier this year with schools in both Morocco and New Zealand, but then they "disappeared" and we thought perhaps they were intimidated by our plans so I was attempting a less structured request this time. I agree that the best and most successful online projects like any other instructional project, must be well-planned and articulated.
I teach a Y8 e-Learning class in Auckland, New Zealand. I am interested in connecting our classes in some way and think that we can offer your students an insight into life in NZ. As you are undoubtedly aware, we are in the middle of our Summer holidays at the moment - school starts again on Feb 3rd. Please get in contact if you would like to pursue this idea further.
BTW, do you have a Google Wave account that we could connect through?
Gavin Agnew
I hope you are enjoying summer vacation. We'd love to collaborate with your students. I know of Google Wave but have not begun using it. We will get familiar with it here and then work out some plans with you. Connie Leddicotte is the 7th grade teacher. I know she was expecting to do this in April and May. That gives us lots of planning time, but will it work out OK for your students to do it then?
I believe we have about an 18 hour time difference. We will have limited availability for realtime communications, but it is somewhat doable. Our students also have ePal email accounts-free, teacher monitored accounts, and they have a class wiki at pbworks. We have also Skyped with other classes. They have used many other web 2.0 tools such as VoiceThread, Animoto, Glogster, and Edublogs.
We look forward to planning with you. Thanks for responding.
I can be reached back channel at jmunoz@magellancharter.org .
Take care,
That sounds good. Let me know when you are 'good to go' - we have a Y7 digital class too. They might be keen to become involved as well. April/May is fine. We (the digi classes) are being given a lot more freedom in our choice of curriculum this year, so we will be able to incorporate this project with no disruption to our programme.
You can contact me direct at gagnew@rosehill.org.nz
Have fun traveling the world through film!
Thanks for connecting me to these resources. I was unaware of them and they will be valuable.
Bouchaib; teacher of English from Casablanca, Morocco! Ready to collaborate and participate in your students'sharing information with my students.
I sent you an email at the address you gave me- thecasaknight@yahoo.fr
Have you received it?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I am a Moroccan teacher of English from Casablanca, Morocco. I have five classes of Moroccan students aged 14,15,16 and 17. They are all learning English and keen on sharing their savoir-faire and savoir etre with other students from abroad. I think this is a good opportunity to start this communication via a blog. I suggest Ning as it is an easy and quick way to share information, photos, videos and so on andso forth. my personal e.mail is: thecasaknight@yahoo.fr, the web site of our school is :www.abdelazizfachtali.piczo.com
I will start working on the blog as soon as I get your agreement.
Bouchaib ZAHAWI
There's a search field on the member page that might be useful if you're looking for particular partners classes. I did a search for Morocco and found 4 members who have connections that country: http://globaleducation.ning.com/profiles/members/?q=morocco. Two of these gentleman belong to this ning: http://ed-links-morocco.ning.com/ and you might want to join their space as well.
Also, try ePals or Gaggle.net for student friendly email services if you need that as well. ePals may also be able to connect you to other classes. And a final piece of unsolicited advice.... be really specific when planning this type of collaboration. Think about the specific activities, time commitments and timeline needed to carry out what you envision. I think you'll get more teachers to buy in if you have this stuff worked out in advance.
Good luck!!!
Lucy Gray