I've created a Google Spreadsheet where people can list their project information. This is the form view.
To see all projects that have been listed, click here. Make sure to check back often to see if anything new has been added to the list.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for organizing project listings !
Views: 4
You need to be a member of Actionable Innovations Global to add comments!
A fantastic list of projects! I want to make sure that all your primary investigators know about this year's 2008 HASTAC/MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Competition.
The theme this year is participatory learning, which sounds exactly like what most of these projects are going for! Participatory learning is defined broadly as using new digital media for sharing ideas or planning, designing, implementing, or just discussing ideas and goals together.
I have posted the rfp below. I hope all of you with appropriate projects will consider applying and I hope that you will help us get the word out to other interested parties by forwarding it along.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions: mandy.dailey@duke.edu
$2 Million Competition
Focus: Participatory Learning
Participatory learning is defined broadly: using new digital media for sharing ideas or
planning, designing, implementing, or just discussing ideas and goals together.
The second HASTAC/MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Competition is now open!
Awards will be made in two categories:
Innovation in Participatory Learning Awards support large-scale digital learning projects
This year we are piloting international eligibility for our Innovation Award and will be accepting submissions from primary applicants in Canada, People's Republic of China, India, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands,Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States; collaborators can befrom anywhere in the world.
Young Innovator Awards are targeted at 18-25 year olds
Rock Our World: Going Green! Call for Participation
ROW is starting up in September with a Green Theme! We are looking for schools from every continent to collaborate in music, movie making, and live video chats all revolving around we can save our earth and Go Green! www.rockourworld.org
Please send all inquiries to rockourworld@mac.com. Applications are available August 1st!
You can also participate on our Moodle: www.discoveryeducatorabroad.com/rockourworld
Rock On!
Carol Anne McGuire
President and Lead Rocker: Rock Our World Collaboration
The theme this year is participatory learning, which sounds exactly like what most of these projects are going for! Participatory learning is defined broadly as using new digital media for sharing ideas or planning, designing, implementing, or just discussing ideas and goals together.
I have posted the rfp below. I hope all of you with appropriate projects will consider applying and I hope that you will help us get the word out to other interested parties by forwarding it along.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions: mandy.dailey@duke.edu
$2 Million Competition
Focus: Participatory Learning
Participatory learning is defined broadly: using new digital media for sharing ideas or
planning, designing, implementing, or just discussing ideas and goals together.
Application Deadline: October 15, 2008
Full information at: http://www.dmlcompetition.net
The second HASTAC/MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Competition is now open!
Awards will be made in two categories:
Innovation in Participatory Learning Awards support large-scale digital learning projects
This year we are piloting international eligibility for our Innovation Award and will be accepting submissions from primary applicants in Canada, People's Republic of China, India, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands,Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States; collaborators can befrom anywhere in the world.
Young Innovator Awards are targeted at 18-25 year olds
(You can find out about last year’s winners at http://hub.dmlcompetition.net/)
Full information at: http://www.dmlcompetition.net
ROW is starting up in September with a Green Theme! We are looking for schools from every continent to collaborate in music, movie making, and live video chats all revolving around we can save our earth and Go Green!
Please send all inquiries to rockourworld@mac.com. Applications are available August 1st!
You can also participate on our Moodle: www.discoveryeducatorabroad.com/rockourworld
Rock On!
Carol Anne McGuire
President and Lead Rocker: Rock Our World Collaboration