School Beyond the Walls is preparing a cultural event around "Sharing Poetry". We propose you send us video-poems or voki-poems or text-poems in english of course, but also in evry kind of language...
Topic: Praising the Other
Poetry reveals this essential truth: everything which seems to us Other, strange and exotic is a part of the mystery within us. If the language of the poem takes us beyond our limits, it is to make the unknown attractive, the unknown which surrounds and lives within us : "I am Other..."wrote Rimbaud.
Every poem is addressed to Another - and an invitation to break out from our "constricting skin" to open us up to encounters in which we share our differences, the generosity of which gives meaning to human community.
Thus I propose that members of Outside the Walls choose poems on the theme of Praising the Other, the celebration of crossroads and roundabouts, encountering and blending - and also that they write their own poems on this challenging theme.
We will then be able to absorb these poems and recite them at Manosque - and elsewhere - translate them (as best we can) into as many languages as we can, and be creative in other ways...
The most important thing is that the event should be broadening and inspiring, and that those attending will enjoy both the bitter and the sweet fruits of poetry.
Some examples of video-poems:
in french...
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