Hi Everyone,
Our social educational network gathering teachers and pupils from many european countries is organizing a cultural event in Manosque, Provence, France for next Spring.
We collect, on our network, poetry on different languages and translate them in french, romanian, italian, polish, lithuanian when we have enough time to do it... We have a special group for this project and you can sign in if you are interested...
This year, the topic for this national event is "Other's Praise" and we try to collect poems about it
How to participate ?
1. You can sign in and post known poems in original language (even in chinese, we like diversity of languages and writings)
2. You can write your own poem and send us (you can try also photo-poems...)
3. You can ask to your pupils to write poems on this topic or to draw about a poem
4. YOU CAN HELP US FOR TRANSLATION (your own translation or a translation you find in the web) IN ENGLISH (poems, program, materials)
For example, we need urgently an english and spanish translation of the program (calendar, activities) in a .pdf file below
Of course, if members of this network come from countries where people speak other language (spanish, japanese, hindi, urdu, chinese...) we would be very happy that they join us !
Have a Nice Day !
administrator of School Outside the Wallsprintemps des poètes - projet1.pdf
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